(OSRS) Mahogany Trees: Best way to cut them close to bank, Mahogany Logs & Planks

Ksuutsuuu suuu!!
2 min readApr 23, 2021


Those reading for the details on Oldschool Runescape Woodcutting, Firemaking, and Construction via the OSRS Mahogany trees, logs, and planks, respectively, have perhaps come for information on the best place to cut trees for Mahogany logs. This article will walk the reader through this, which the following video also does (in YouTube video format, for those that prefer this style):

For farming, and knowing how long between Mahogany Trees grow on OSRS to use the trees to cut logs, to cut planks and make them into Mahogany tables using 8 planks each time, gaining construction experience. This is important information for deciding what your account does in its Oldschool Runescape playthrough.

This is why, in-game, you can Cut Mahogany Trees to level 99 woodcutting from level 60 for Mahogany Logs on OSRS without much loss of time, as it is efficient to do so by gaining after level 60 woodcutting (through to level 99, and a skillcape), 400–500 Mahogany Logs per hour on OSRS at these levels (after level 60+).

And to cut these logs into Mahogany Planks, used to train construction via tables, you can earn either profit or construction experience for the best skillcape in the game. These planks can be gained by chopping Mahogany trees near a bank for the logs, to collect them and use later, by casting “Plank Make” with Lunar spells or taking them to the sawmill, using the demon butler to fetch Mahogany logs from your bank, as the main methods.
More can be read on this at: https://www.theoatrix.net/post/ultimate-1-99-construction-guide-best-fastest-cheapest-methods

The best place in Oldschool Runescape to cut Mahogany Trees is the Ape Atoll area, after the relevant quests are completed for the rewards including a teleport to Ape Atoll, which is closer to a bank and the sawmill, and, OSRS, Mahogany Trees. For tree routes and Mahogany tree farming, Hardwood Trees are used but can still be cut down. Note that Pyre logs (as an alternate to Mahogany logs on OSRS) are not used and you should stick with the Trees and planks for a source of its logs.

For gaining Firemaking experience, an infernal axe may be used (which passively burns up the trees before you can make them into planks, for what to use Mahogany logs on in OSRS, Oldschool Runescape level 60–99 Woodcutting progression/guide. The trees that aren’t burned up, with the materials extracted, planks can finally be made — each table (when training construction from Woodcutting levels) requires 8 Mahogany Planks to be used, but is the fastest experience in Oldschool.
It’s definitely worth considering using this method.

<iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQGXOae-LMbJyEsAm4G_4O6YwkNsVFuhiCGKclRJa-LEaddeVyTh4t2ltDUpUfVgfHLYxANUoRZiNy3/pub?embedded=true"></iframe>


For more reading on “OSRS Mahogany Logs, Trees to levels 60–99 Woodcutting Guide” see the above Docs links or navigate to the Piss_Gaming article linked before, within the article.



Ksuutsuuu suuu!!

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